- Saturday, August 8, 2009

STARTED ON AUGUST 4th & finally publishing today.

This thing called life, this thing that we live - IT ISN'T FAIR. No one said it would be, and it's probably the furthest thing from fair. We don't always get what we want, nor do we always make the right choices. We screw up & choose wrong paths, wrong people, etc. It's these things, these many mistakes that make us who we are, or who we are to BECOME. Without these mistakes, these screw ups, where would we be? WHAT WOULD WE LEARN? Life would just be a breeze, and we'd just be happy all day - emotions high all the time (GOSHH, THAT'D BE AMAZING). That's not life though, and that's a reality we must accept.

So, I say that life isn't fair, and I say that we don't always get what we want...but, did I happen to mention? WE ALWAYS WANT WHAT WE CAN'T HAVE. Haven't we all realized that? Everytime someone happens to tell you that you can't have it, us as humans have the tendency to want it more - we pretty much will do whatever it takes to get it. We tend to go towards things that we're a little unsure of...(I mean, I know that's absolutely true for me: I go for what I want because I don't have it, but once I get it? I either get bored of it, or don't want it anymore) -I believe that many of us are like that. Life is honestly not an easy thing, and mistakes have been put in our paths to help us grow & learn - to make us stronger.

After I've gone on and on about this little topic, repeating myself in all of these different ways...here's what I want to say to a certain friend of mine: We all make mistakes, don't be too hard on yourself. In life, people will use us, and manipulate us - people will trick us, into believing them or into seeing things in their way. Nobody's perfect, and we're not always going to make the right choices & we can't see it now, but I truly do believe that these mistakes are made for a reason. One day, we'll figure out that reason, we'll see why we made that wrong choice, we'll understand why we went down that wrong path. After reading your blog entry - just thought you should know you're not alone when it comes to the situations, we all go through that & remember that I'm always here for you! :)

I hope you'll feel better, and I'm sure you will. Make the right choice, follow your instincts - do what you want & not what others have told you to do - that's the only way to be happy. At the same time - do not shut what others say out immediately, because there may be truth in what they say & they might just be trying to help you out & hey, those people are there for a reason too...right??

alrighties, I'm done with this entry - I've got 2 more unfinished ones (I'll have my hair appointment tmrw, just to get my fringe cutt...then I'll be home & hopefully be able to finish one - then off to my grandma's 80th birthday dinner)

done & done, xoxox.

0 twirling, 11:46 PM


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