- Monday, August 10, 2009

"Bitch, Slut - PSYCHOPATH"

that's exactly what you are. You're a freakin stuck up bitch that needs a reality check...hm, right about now? I HONESTLY THOUGHT YOU'D BE A LITTLE BETTER; THOUGHT THAT YOU'D CHANGED A LITTLE. Obviously, I was just wrong, wrong, and wrong - as usual. Funny how I believe that people will change, guess what, guys? LESSON LEARNED: PEOPLE DON'T CHANGE - remember that! ;) DUMB FUCKIN LITTLE BITCH, go study, OKAY?! That's what you do all the time anyway - oh right, that is...besides gossiping & saying shit about people you don't know, RIGHT? dumbfuck. I honestly HATE people like you; situations are over, don't fuckin bring them up, okay? You are YOUNGER than everyone you've started drama with, get over yourself, and stop acting like a freakin BIMBO, alright? I don't give a shit if you think you're above everyone - because...REALITY CHECK: you're NOOOOOOT! Of all things that you decide to do...you decide to piss me off, WHILE I'M IN THE SAME PLACE AS YOU? ON MY VACATION? Well, HEY - YOU REALLY WANT TO SAY SHIT? I'm ready to scream at you :) and this time, it can be face to face! :O Awee, you must be excited, right? & apparantly, you're not afraid of anyone...YAY, YOU'VE GOT GUTS :) OKAY, NOW LET'S START :) keep saying your shit, but this time - come up to me and say it, alright? :) and gladly see me EXPLODE, because I'm tired of your bullshit. I may be small, but trust me, I'VE GOT ANGER...hmm, maybe I should go for anger management classes, muahahhaha. OH, and also, you're not much larger than I am :) MUAHHAHA. OHHH, unless you're fatter? but, nahh - you're as skinny as me, I think?

Either way, the message I'm trying to get across after that long ass rant is: STOP STARTING SHIT, STOP GOSSIPING - JUST SHUT YOUR MOUTH IF NOTHING GOOD WILL COME OUT OF IT, SHUT IT - IF ALL THAT WILL COME OUT IS GOING TO BRING YOU MORE TROUBLE. OH, and you wonder why people wanted to beat you up last year? Obviously, your gossiping is pissing people off to that extent...so, watch it.

PLUSPLUSPLUSPLUSPLUS, when I did say shit about you last year, I APOLOGIZED, you see? PEOPLE get over themselves and apologize :) YOU...sort of apologized?...BUT YOU STARTED IT UP AGAIN. Oh, and when I see you? I don't appreciate you staring at me. ARE WE DONE? We better be done, I'm sick and tired of having to bitch at you/bitch about you because of how mad you make me - it's too tiring.

ohh, and my 2 posts are still only halfway done - BUT HEY, I WROTE THIS ONE :) muahaha, now everyone gets to see my hidden bitchiness - oops? :D

0 twirling, 11:00 PM


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