we think about this, SHOULD WE OR SHOULD WE NOT? - Thursday, June 4, 2009


Saturday; I went off to Orchard Park with my family & family friends. My sister and I went for a 3 km Jog til Rocky Point, and then walked back 3 km. We ran down to the beach, and hung out there for a bit, until we left to go watch UP! It's such a cute movie; watch it if you haven't! :) We went to Aunty Serene's house for dinner after, and then we went home.

Sunday; I went to church in the morning (& get ready for some of my madness). We got home, and I started STRESSING over homework & I won't lie, I do believe I was crazy at that point. I sat down, and erased the same mandarin word - again & again, and I wouldn't stop. My sister took my eraser, my mom took my homework - I snapped. I SCREAMED NON STOP @ MY MOM & ran to the washroom. Crying, non stop - I repeated my mandarin words in my head non stop...I realized it wasn't helping & finally? decided to pray - which is prob the best decision I've made in the past few months...which is also what has been improving my week, my emotions, just everything!

Monday; I can't really...remember monday.

Tuesday; I don't really know either...but Since my homework hasn't been done in science, I'm at 85% this sem...from 96 to 85? THAT'S MADNESS. I'm getting back on track though.

Today...hm, there's not much - just a typical school day. OMG, I got 66.5/100 on that mandarin test...I DIDN'T FAIL EVEN THOUGH I KNEW NOTHING ABOUT CHINA. what else? I took a nap til 7, and I'm done homework & it's 9pm...I'M STILL TIRED. & I skipped the awards ceremony even though i got an award - & MAN THAT LANDSCAPING GUY IN OUR BACKYARD IS NOISY.

oh & nina's party on friday was fun, besides that mad spazz i got from my mom when i got home late...cause i didn't tell her i went. MY BAD!


0 twirling, 11:44 AM


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