tired. fatigued. overworked. need i say more? - Saturday, June 20, 2009

oh man, i'm really tired
& you know what i've realized? that besides
like today...i haven't really blogged all that much lately.
due to studying, exercising, going out non stop, review sessions.
let's just say - mostly my studying & relaxing after the exams.
all this really leads to would be pure...fatigue.
& a crazily messy room - min. 4 bags open with things spilling out on my floor
tons of my clothes - tons of studying notes - chargers, makeup
Oh, and have i mentioned that my whole body is aching & just sore?
- well it is, isn't that just perfect? - NO.
anyway, I think i should sleep, considering that I have to be up
at 8.30 ish tmrw, GOODNIGHT :)

& randomly written by me - not exactly sure if it makes sense
- might also be a little too realistic? apparantly i'm a realist - according to my sis

she'll figure it out, she'll figure it out. please, dear God, tell me that she'll figure it out. tell me that she'll get it right & move on with her life, tell me that one day she'll stop looking back at what happened & look forward and learn to be happy. to live in the moment - & even though it doesn't seem to be reality, to be living that perfect happy life. but please, Dear God - help her at least get somewhere close, because she's no where near. she's too far from it, she's the absolute opposite of it. Help her to let go, help her to be a little stronger.help her to not give up hope & help her to believe that it is possible - that moving forward, and moving on with her life is possible. Dear God, help her understand that as many mistakes as she might have made - the people out there who truly love her are still there. Dear God, that YOU are still there.help her believe in herself, help her believe that she can move on, that she can be better than the person she was before. Help her to stop hating herself for the many various reasons - move on with her life.

Dear God, help ME move on with my life

0 twirling, 3:39 PM


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