- Monday, June 15, 2009

I definitely should be studying at this moment - but I'm looking through socials & pretty much going, WTF - I GIVE UP :( So, I'm not going to do an update, but I may as well just rant.

YOU'VE CHANGED. Yes, that's obviously how I'm going to start my amazing rant ;). I don't even know what to say about you, nor what to think of you. You probably will realize that I'm talking about you by the end of this, but I'll make sure that I leave out many details of the things you've done - or maybe, I just won't mention them at all. I will just go on and on about how I feel about the ... stupid things that you might have done & just end it off there.

You really need to understand that you can't just do whatever you want. ACTIONS HAVE THEIR CONSEQUENCES. I never realized this too much until yesterday, when I was talking to a certain someone & he pretty much told me what people thought about you. I realized that he was right, they all were right - you've changed alot; you've become a self centered...um, person. You are...how do I say this without sounding mean? an attention whore - and that was my nicest way of saying it, SORRY. The things you do (I will not mention them, no worries) just make me want to puke. The way you talk, the things you say, the way you dress, the way you throw yourself at people...IT'S HONESTLY JUST TIME TO STOP. Have a little respect for yourself every once in awhile - please & thankyou. I can't really go on, because you WILL realize fully that this is about you & no one else but you...and well, i don't need your drama. Please realize that I'm not saying this to be a huge bitch - I'm just telling the truth, because that's what everyone's saying about you. I honestly think that you're a great friend, but PLEASE..PLEASE GAIN RESPECT FOR YOURSELF. It's not that hard, is it?

P.S. - just so you know, I heard he doesn't like you.


0 twirling, 6:16 AM


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