to 2 people. - Saturday, May 2, 2009


there's honestly no need for a fight, grow up, please and thanks. To one of you, learn to be a little more mature - get your facts straight before bitching at someone. I mean, after all, you bitched at her, and what happens after? You're going, "I don't know what to do, I don't know if I did the right thing". NO SHIT, you obviously acted on an impulse and i'm guessing you were pushed towards that action. To be honest, I think that you should know who you can trust and who you can't. You're going to trust someone you've known for like one week instead of someone you've known for a couple years? whatever, but if you say you're mature? You wouldn't be getting into stupid fights like these, you wouldn't be bitching at someone without getting your facts straight, and you'd learn to move on & get over it.

To the other, I don't really have a problem with your side of the story, but next time? TRY NOT MENTIONING ME IN YOUR ARGUMENTS. I wasn't even trying to get involved in the fight - I just knew what I heard and I knew how to get her to at least reason out with you. SO, LEAVE ME OUT OF THIS.

& to the other one involved in this - stop trying to ruin people's friendships, especially if you've only been here for a month. You've been here for a month, and already created drama - time to stop.


0 twirling, 1:52 PM


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