why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart? - Sunday, May 17, 2009

stereotypes...just aren't true.
behind the makeup, the clothes, that smile...

anyone ever considered that maybe i'm just that girl
who loves time to herself, who loves to run around
& look like an absolute fool -
loves to stay home, relax & read a book when she can.
a girl who would do anything for family ...
a girl who still misses & loves her ex nanny.
a girl that's not shallow? -who just wishes her fairytale would come true.
a girl who will stay true to her morals & values.
as stupid as i might sound - it's just me.
i'm not who they think i am; it's called an act.
I'm pretty sick of it, so why don't all of us just drop it.

0 twirling, 7:31 AM


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