this road is anything but simple; twisted like a riddle. - Tuesday, May 12, 2009

LAST weekend? was relaxed but stressful - does that make sense?
more like a total contradiction, eh? i know.

so let's clear that up -
Saturday; i woke up really late as i had been up til around 4 on Friday. So, let's just say i got up at approximately 1 or 2-ish? It all went downhill from there; i fought with my mom the ENTIRE day. I was so frustrated that i KEPT cleaning my closet and my room - felt like i was obsessed.

Mother's day - i got up and made her toast (i'm a terrible cook!). Despite our terrible fight the day before, it was Mother's day...i couldn't be a bitchy daughter. We all received the best sermon that day which led to - an amazing day. The sermon was basically saying that we were were suppose to be gracious & forgiving - so, our entire family (except for my brother who left to malaysia without telling anyone, except me i guess?) was all forgiving, gracious, etc., etc. Off to lunch, then Chinese Church where we had dinner. Then, we went to Aunty Serene's house & did the trail walk @ the Coquitlam River & went back to her house. I tried doing boxing on the wii, but i was so tired, i just fell asleep on their couch - THEN...we went home :) & off to bed i went.

New socials teacher, mandarin = a bore, SPIRIT ASSEMBLY = VANCOUVER TITANS - they were so tall! Crazy basketball guys! Anyway, science = crap & gym was alright. I got new concealer & this new sweater thing! :) hell yes. I got home and just lazed around & napped every 5 seconds.

BTW, can everyone stop stereotyping me? I pretty much might never have a chance with this kid i'm intrested in - WHY? He thinks i'm a white washed, non-studying, party girl that only likes white guys...and he's asian, so yes, he obv won't expect me to like him. So, let me just straighten everything out: Yes, i'm white washed to a certain extent, but not fully - i'm still asian in my little ways. I study my ass off - yes, i'm lazy with certain subjects, but i try in school - WHAT ARE PEOPLE THINKING. For that whole party girl aspect? I'm sorry, that's not really me - i'm not that kind of girl, AT ALL. As for that whole liking white guys thing? No, i go for personality - I'M NOT SHALLOW. So, stop with the stereotypes.

Funny thing is, if someone gave me heavy liquor right now? I'd be glad to take a billion shots, i'm kind of ... REALLY upset, and my brain just hurts. I want it all to be over & done with. Anyone else every gets that feeling? I bet you anything, half of you feel the except same way. (& No, i'm not an alcoholic who loves to drink...i just think it could definitely help me right now. I haven't thought about drinking in a very long time, ohmy.)

One thing i know for sure right now though?
i really do like...someone else.
& he's pretty far from where i'm at, this sucks.
"Am i honestly thinking about you right now?
When i'm in class & the only thing i think about is you?
Everything's wrong - it's hard to move on.
I wish I had tried to get to know you better back then,
I wish i'd been a little quicker.
Guess i'm too late & things can't be changed.
but that's all for now, xoxos"

0 twirling, 11:30 AM


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