need a change, from this burnout scene - Wednesday, April 8, 2009


the amazing blue skies ♥

updatiing? after a full week.

I can't exactly remember i did last week, but there were definitely a few main highlights. Great days, and bad days, thats for sure! I talked to my dietitian, and have finally made up my mind to eat more (which I have done lately, but I definitely feel guilty!). I got 44.5/45 on my Socials test; topped the class, but I probably could have done better, right? I went shopping on HEELS-can you say STUPID? I definitely can!

Sunday was mm...interesting? I don't know, it was a mess of events. We went to 2 churches as usual, then out to dinner. My sister and I had like a serious heart to heart conversation at the dinner, even though millions of people were surrounding us, HAH. On our way home, we got into a huge argument with my parents, but it ended well. We came to an agreement: I DO NOT HAVE TO GO TO MANDARIN CHURCH, IF..and only IF, I JOIN A YOUTH GROUP AND IT BENEFITS ME. I hope it all will work out; we got home at around 11.30? I had to get ready for a blood test the next day.

I did a blood test on Monday! It was CRAZY, so many old people were in there, NO OFFENSE. It took forever til they FINALLY called my name-the lady was nice, but horrible at drawing blood. She decided to stick it in my left arm, and guess what? No blood would come out, so she pokes it around...then she goes, "OH, I THOUGHT IT WAS A FINE VEIN, GUESS IT WAS FINER THEN I THOUGHT". Then, she stuck it in my right arm, and was like, "YOUR BLOOD TAKES FOREVER". So, she couldn't fill the 2 vials of blood up! I had to go to Socials class, NO FOOD IN MY SYSTEM - as I had to fast before the blood test. I was shaking, but I got over that! :) I went to the mall during Science, then hung out with Rachel afterschool.

Today was pretty good :) I am overwhelmed with Science homework though! :( Crystal & I skipped Mandarin, I GOT NEW PINK HEADPHONES & NEW NAIL POLISH! YAY ME :) I went for a walk (IT WAS SO REFRESHING & RELAXING) I love the sun! Walks are amazing, except when people honk at you, which happened to me twice, UGHHHS. Anyway, time for studying & dinner!

love you! ♥

pictures from dinner on sunday night


my FAIL at eating it?

other parts of the crab!

fried rice in crab ;)

beijing duck, in that stuff? BAHA.

1st plate of vegetables

2nd plate.

3rd plate :)

it went from meat in it?



my healthy school lunch :) BAHAHS.

0 twirling, 9:34 AM


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