I’M HAVING FUN WITH THIS WHOLE MICROSOFT STUFF :) btw, I need help with question 5 - Saturday, April 18, 2009

  1. Sustainability is an ability that an ecosystem has that will sustain it through the many changes occurring in that ecosystem over time.
  2. Habitat loss is when a certain habitat has been destroyed; habitat fragmentation is when habitats are being divided into smaller fragments, which makes it more difficult for life on these certain fragments.
  3. Deforestation is when forests are cleared for our own use and will not be replanted anywhere. The consequences would be that it messes up our nutrient cycles, and soil degradation tends to occur.
  4. This will reduce the chances of run-off occurring.
  5. "List four examples of contamination that can occur due to mining" – I DON'T KNOW; anyone that does know? Message me please :)
  6. Overexploitation causes extinction, when we overexploit things it reduces the biodiversity that we have in our world. It causes species to decrease to the point of extinction, therefore loss of genetic diversity.
  7. Traditional ecological knowledge is the "First Nation's understanding of plants, animals, and natural occurrences". We use the stories told, the songs sung, their cultural beliefs & rituals, community laws, and agricultural practices.

0 twirling, 11:47 PM


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