i never ask for help, i take care of myself - Monday, April 27, 2009

hmm not the best picture, but i'm in no mood to take new pics.

OKAY, just woke up! WHY? My mom woke up at 8 and saw that I was still awake...and sent me straight to bed. So, no church at all for me today; that's kind of a positive, but a negative.

So I tried to talk to someone today, and hmm..he ignored me. THANKS ALOT. I mean, I said I wouldn't talk to you til I was better & I wanted to try talking to you because I thought that I obviously wasn't being fair by ignoring/avoiding you. APPARANTLY NOT! When I try to talk to you, you ignore me. Guess it's just karma?

Oh, and did i mention what happened on wednesday? or was it thursday? EITHER WAY. it was a serious dumb moment! I was in mandarin class & my teacher was talking about the work "gan xing qu" and explaining it (IT MEANS HAVE AN INTEREST IN). So, she turns to me & asks.

Teacher: Joanna, ni dui han yu gan xing qu ma? (Joanna, do you have an interest in mandarin?)

Me: shen me shi han yu? (what is mandarin)


Oh, and you know what I found out? I can bs my way through socials...IT MADE ME LAUGH! There was this paragraph that we had to write for socials after reading like 11 pages from the textbook & I decided to...read my "private" series intead. So, I got to school and wrote a whole bunch of random ideas on the sheet of paper...and guess what?! I GOT 100% :)

now, let's hope i get 100% on the project too?

my parents went down to the states to see tulips yesterday, aren't they gorg?

0 twirling, 6:23 AM


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