eating disorder. - Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pretty much everyone whom I trust enough already knows that I have one, but that's not why I'm writing some random blog entry and giving it the title "eating disorder".

I'll just write about this really quickly - and I basically will sum it up into one statement: READ "LIFE WITHOUT ED" NOW. There's the statement, now a quick explanation. "Life without ED" was written by Jenni Schaeffer & her therapist Thom Rutledge. It explains Jenni's road to recovery from her eating disorder that she named ED. She treated her eating disorder like an abusive relationship instead of "a condition". I've read bits & parts of it, and I can absolutely relate to what she talks about in the book. Then, there are the tips & exercises that are suppose to help improve your condition/help your recovery.

Anyone who does have an eating disorder - i definitely recommend the book (even though I have not finished reading it) & if you ever have wondered what is going on in the minds of people with eating disorders, i definitely recommend it as well. That's all there is to say for now.

-xoxo, joannaseow

0 twirling, 12:02 PM


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