day of silence, yesterday was 420. - Wednesday, April 22, 2009

taking a quick break from studying & homework
WHY? cause i finished my first assignment pretty fast.

yesterday was 420, national pot smoker's day? YEAH, I DON'T CARE.
maybe we shouldn't have people smoking marijuana all on a certiain day :) because maybe all it does is ENCOURAGE everyone to smoke on that day. Sorry, I disapprove.

today? the day of silence. What is it? I'm not exactly an expert at this whole subject, but it goes along the lines of people staying silent on this day to support the transgendered, bisexual, or homosexual people. These people who have to sometimes hide who they truly are/what they truly feel, people who are being bullied for how they are - harassed for trying to be who they really feel they are. To be honest, I do not support this, but neither am I against it. I don't support it because it goes against how I've been brought up - it goes against what I have been taught to believe in. I just don't think that it's fair for people to abuse others just because they feel as if that is how they are (even though I don't exactly think God would've made anyone in this manner). If that's how they view themselves, then LEAVE IT BE. Do you really think God wants us as christians (or whatever religion you might be) to beat up these people? Do you think he wants us to make it seem as if he is that way? God wants us to accept & love people, NOT TO HURT THEM. As for people who just do it for whatever reason, I don't even know? All I can say is, what do you gain from hurting them? Enjoyment? A thrill? If that is so, you're pretty screwed up in the head (Sorry if I did offend anyone with that comment), but I just don't believe it's right.

So, yes - I know at times in this entry
but it all just winds down to this,
Don't hurt others for being themselves - for being different.

0 twirling, 10:07 AM


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