serious bitching to do. - Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Comments on your ranking:»uh stop being freakin anorexic and maybe more ppl wuld think ur pretty«

Yes, someone said that about me on some random application on facebook on one of my rankings on it. It was done anoynomously, that's pretty understandable. WOW, who says that? grow up. First of all, I bet it's all based on an assumption, without you knowing any actual facts. Second of all, an eating disorder is a mental issue you idiot, it's not something that someone can just stop all of a sudden. Think before you say shit like that, and I'm sorry that's not exactly going to help my eating disorder at all, because it just lowers my fuckin self esteem. Whoever you are, you should also seriously learn how to say it to my face since you think I'd be so much prettier if i wasn't so "freakin anorexic". You say stop being anorexic-yes, because I just LOVE it that I have a fuckin eating disorder; because having an eating disorder is like my WISH (I'm being sarcastic). WOW, just grow the hell up, and watch what the hell you say. LEARN HOW TO SAY IT TO MY FACE TOO, that may help. I couldn't even reply to that comment too, what the hell, pissed the shit outta me. Maybe people should learn about stuff before writing a whole bunch of fuckin bull about someone. Yes, I'm mad.

0 twirling, 12:06 PM


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