but it's over now, go on and TAKE A BOW. - Wednesday, March 11, 2009

awwes, it was an absolutely gorgeous day today
too bad i didn't go out, as i was stuck at home, in bed, SICK-

Well, so last night, I slept at around 10.45 & cried and just blanked out and fell asleep, I MUST HAVE BEEN VERY TIRED. I woke up at 6 this morning, and haha uhh I may have left my msn on (: Someone I seriously did not want to talk to was talking to me, ugghs. My body was aching a ton, and I felt really sick, so I went back to sleep. My daddy woke me up @8 & I just told him I really felt sick, then my mom came in & said that I should just keep sleeping. I slept..and slept..til 11 =) I seriously was in no mood for school. Stayed in bed til 12, texted Crystal & Nina to get my science test mark for me! 81/82 =) TOPPED THE CLASS, and don't think I'm crazy, but I want 82! =( anyway, I'm only at 98.4% in Science though, ugghs, I hope no one's beating me. Damn, I sound like such a nerd BAHAHAHA. No worries, I'm not, I'm just getting worried about my studies all of a sudden. Anyway, I sent someone a message that he/she seriously needed to read. Anyway, call me a bitch, but you deserved it, I really don't understand why you needed to hurt me, but either way, I'm glad we won't talk ever again. I realize I'm kicking alot of people out of my life; what can I say? I guess my trip to Singapore taught me quite a bit. Meeting someone like him, that deff taught me alot! ANYWAYYS, I should study? bahhaha or not, I think I'll go try and read a magazine, TTYLS LOVES.

0 twirling, 7:36 AM


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