once you've had a taste of perfectionn ;) - Friday, February 13, 2009

Long Weekend IS LOVE (:

mmm, today's been intresting. We had a new seating plan in Socials; sitting with Young, Nick, and Carly - & Shilp behind us (: (HOPING Vanessa can take Micheal's seat!) Then, we had Mandarin class, it was a bunch of bull cause IVAN got like 19.8/20 on his dictation, and I only got 18.8, WTF? :( Lunch; I had to finish up my science homework! SCIENCE CLASS WAS BULLSHIT. I got bored and decided to take pictures to see if My. Bryce would even notice, HE NOTICED...WHEN I WAS PUTTING MY PHONE AWAY, and made me stop listening to my mp3! :( finished science homework into like 5 seconds, ugghs. GYM CLASS, we had to present gymnastic routines. AFTER SCHOOL; went to the mall with Kellyanne & Carly. I GOT NEW DIOR MASCARA & DIOR LIPGLOSS (: Got home, talked to a lotta people, Spencer was like WORRYING bout some dance. hmm, pro d tmrw (: sooo happy! LONG WEEKEND, I'm so happy. I'm watching intervention, about some anorexic? it's so sad, but some things that she says, i can relate to, it's upsetting. anywayy, ttyls loves (:

0 twirling, 12:02 PM


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