i'm UNSTOPPABLE - Tuesday, February 24, 2009

i hope it'll be a great 16th!

MY WHOLE BODY WAS ACHiNG TODAY, like actually. I got to school & basically fell asleep in socials, it was KILLLING me. Then, Carly looked at me and was like, "OMG! NARISSA HAS 2 EYEBROWS, SHE GOT THEM DONE!" I started laughing like crazy, and I couldn't see, so I texted Nick to ask him to look. He couldn't & said he wouldn't want to either! (: Then I texted a whole bunch of people, and i texted shilp bout her unibrow becoming 2 (: and hmm, intresting stuff. While i was leaving class, Narissa hit me right where i was having Chest pains with her effin huge TNA bag, and i was like...OWWWWW & she just walked away, BITCH. I was about to bitch at her, but she would OBVIOUSLY go to the counsellor, so i'll just avoid that situation. Mandarin class? Tony and I like FAILED the conversation :( & Lunch, I hung out with JENNY (: @ Starbucks, and Avery came to see her! ;) In science, umm boring, cause Crystal wasn't there. Gym, I CAME IN SECOND AMONG THE GIRLS AND ALMOST BEAT HILARY, i had so much energy!!! Walked home in the rain & was like non stop texting, i got my textbooks and cell all wet, BAHAHAHAHA. Came home, took a nap (: ate some food, started doing homework. i got 33/39 on my socials test...85%, 1% off an A...IM MAD, CAUSE IF I STUDIED IT WOULD'VE BEEN SO MUCH BETTER. ugggghs.

& TO SOMEONE THAT I SHALL NOT MENTION: GROW UP, seriously? YOU GOT DUMPED, OKAYYY? ACCEPT THE FACT YOU DUMBASS. Don't go around making stupid excuses to try and make it look as if you're better than your ex, cause you're not. Don't tell people you dumped her, cause everyone knows you didn't! ACCEPT THE FACT, STOP TRYING TO MAKE YOURSELF LOOK GOOD, cause you don't (: & get over it ;) you're just gonna look like an ever bigger dumbass soon, LOVES.
& No, this has nothing to do with me! (:

ttyls, joannaseow-

0 twirling, 1:00 PM


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