HOW SKiNNY iS TOO SKiNNY? - Thursday, February 12, 2009

I believe that everyone has different opinions of what TOO SKINNY is.

Our bodies were all made differently; some to be fat, average, skinny, tall, etc. But, in today's society? We have a mindset, that you MUST be skinny & that mindset has pretty much taken over most of us. Think about it though, who really determines what skinny is? Who determines what fat is? WE DO. Yes, most things around us are saying that you need to be skinny to be pretty, and most of that may come from the fashion industry. Thing is, it's really how we look at things. We can choose to listen to what others say, we can choose to look at the fashion industry and think that we have to be incredibly skinny to look good. OR we could always view things in our perspective, and know that it's not true. It's about us, and our decisions - our perspectives.

I guess this topic pretty much came up in my mind because all anyone's been saying to me is that I am too skinny. To be honest, I do NOT believe that I am even CLOSE to being TOO SKINNY. Yes, I am skinny, and yes, I am underweight. I DO NOT BELIEVE I HAVE REACHED THE POINT WHERE I AM TOO SKINNY. I have seen people whom I believe are too skinny, and I'm nothing like that. I really would like to know where they're coming from, when they come up to me, telling me that I'm too skinny. To me, I think my weight is fine. Yes, I'm not the healthiest person for various reasons, but I truly do not believe that I am too skinny. When I am, I will realize it - I will change, but right now? I think that I'm fine, and maybe I do want to lose weight, but that's a whole other topic.

i guess i'm just randomly going on and on...
but, all I really want to know is,
i guess we'll all have different opinions on that,
but i wish i knew what others consider TOO SKINNY.

0 twirling, 1:36 PM


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