we all wish for better dayys. ♥ - Sunday, January 18, 2009

but I'm better than I was on

Friday? was NOT a good day at all, it did get better towards the end though. =) Well, not totally fine, but it did improve a slight bit. So, got to school & had English. Findley wasn't there, so I didn't have to present, but he decided to give us a test, that was NOT expected by anyone. It wasn't hard, but we all won't be able to do as well as we would've, IF WE HAD STUDIED. GOSH, I'm sorry, but at this point, I SERIOUSLY HATE FINDLEY. What kind of teacher does that to his students? HE TOLD US IT WOULDN'T BE ON FRIDAY, he just said, "be prepared as if it would be on Friday, but I won't make it on Friday." fuckin liar, hate him. Then, we had foods class, it was pretty alright, except that, THAT was when I started shaking. During Lunch, I walked past someone, and it just made it worse, I wasn't mad at the person, but I was seriously getting so irritable, it wasn't good. Then, met up with Carly, then we bumped into Tash & Kellyanne. We went to the cafeteria, and I really COULD NOT stop shaking, and I felt like fainting or falling or I DON'T EVEN KNOW. Went to walk with Tash, ended up CRYiNG, so many people saw too, ugghs. Then, we went back to the table...mehh it was stupid. Then, I had math, and I actually got so dizzy, didn't talk to dianne at all, cause she's just making the situation worse by saying a whole bunch of shit bout me, so..I THINK I'LL STAY MAD. ugghs. Then, we had planning...tired as hell. Then..WORK, it was alright, worked with mohaddasah & irene & jasper & john & other people =) it was actually pretty fun, WORKED TIL 9 though, I was EXHAUSTED. Got home, talked to my mom, cause the school counsellor called, cause my planning teacher suspected something about my eating...[CONFIDENTIAL] Then, watched Love Blossoms 2 til like 12.30? and fell on my bed and fell asleep.

TODAY? woke up, entire body aching, felt like fainting. Read New Moon =), only at like page 119 LMAO. Cleaned my room, well more like...CLOSET. My mom was like OMG, WAY TOO MUCH CLOTHES, hehehe. =] Went on a walk @ROCKYPOINT with my mom, HOME NOW. =] not eating...my tummy does now feel good at all!!! I barely ate, I don't get it. Probably going to start studying for provincials tonight, and read new moon! People coming over later, ugghs.

♥ ttyls

0 twirling, 10:37 AM


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