NEWYEAR-2009 ♥ - Friday, January 2, 2009

ii do believe so ♥

Yesterday, I got ready to go out and was experimenting with my outfits =] (only got shots of 2 outfits!). THEN, I was out from like 4-8, I ALMOST FAINTED! (cause i didn't eat) & I still had to walk in the ICE (THE SNOW TURNED TO ICE-ughh i can`t stand the snow right now) & FLATS cause I decided to be the STUPIDEST person alive & wore flats when I KNEW that I would have had to walk to 7-11. UGHH. Anyway, my uncle picked me up to go home @ 8. I thought we were all going to my Aunt's house, but NOO, everyone was @ our house instead! They were ALL people from church, and they were ALL adults...CHINESE SPEAKING ONES. Then, they were all talking about how it's SOO important for kids these days to know mandarin? THEN, they made me say apple in mandarin, GR. I got bored, went to my room, listened to some music, and then talked to the few people that were on, as everyone was out..hmm AT PARTIES. unlike me, stuck at home!

Then, my mom saw that was pretty much bored as hell, and told me to go down and play UNO with my cousins. I wasn't exactly EXCITED about it, but I was like,'s better than being bored! SO, we watched "What a girl wants" which I've watched like..A BILLION TIMES on TV & played UNO. Justin won the first round...then...I won almost every other round! It was actually funny because Samantha totally got mad that she was losing and hadn't won one game! We got bored of UNO and decided to play BIG 2...with 3 people...BORING? meh, it was OKAY. We could've had 4 people but...NO, my sister decided to be a fatass and just sit there, READING & EATING HER FRUIT LOOPS, gosh fatass! (JUST KIDDING, i love you big sister =]) ANYWAY, I won like one round, and Justin won the rest, it was pretty fun cause i got to throw cards at him!

THEN, the people left at 11.30...thought they were staying til 12 but I guess not! My mom decided to make us all go up @ 12 to thank God for everything we were thankful for in 2008, but I had to run to the washroom @ 12 and hide there til Nick called to wish me a happy new year =] . THEN, we sat there and talked..and talked..and talked. AFTER, my mom was all like, "KAYY NOW WE GOTTA PRAY". UGGH, then we all went to the kitchen, for a game of UNO, with like everyone in the house..which was like 8 people? EXCEPT, my dear fatass of a sister..who just kept reading, ew NERD. MY DAD TOTALLY LOST LIKE A BILLION TIMES =] and my aunt won the game.

THEN, I came on the computer and talked to Adrian, Spencer, Shilp, Bryan, Kellyanne & Amaris til like 2.30 am, then I just like FELL ON MY BED, i was so tired. I was suppose to help my daddy shovel snow today at like 10, so I woke up @ 9.45 to find that it already had been shovelled cause my daddy went to work, GRRR =( ! but Today, we were suppose to go to like Mt. Cypress to SKI & SNOWBOARD, but guess what? it snowed! RIGHT AT 12 AM and my dad was like, "nevermind, I'll go to work then!" So, yeah =( it was so ruined, but my daddy said we're gonna go soon =] THANKYOU DADDY! NEW CAMERA TODAY YAYY DADDDDY! I love my daddy when he gives me what i want =] ... well i guess, even when he doesn't!

sorrrtta appropriate for winter

cute summer outfit?

COUSINS & AUNT & UNCLE: totally weren't ready for the picture

HAHAHA family playing UNO

SNOWING ON NEW YEARS, exactly @ 12


Me playing the piano..after like uhh how many months?



My FATASS sister hiding from the camera

my mommy, GREEN TEA?

heheheh, my computer, now do you know how bored i was?


0 twirling, 3:51 AM


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