LOVE; a fairytale in my old book of fantasy. - Wednesday, January 28, 2009

(me & aunt)

(mom & me)

Exams are DONE =)

i'm so happy, i finally get to relax- THANKGOD.

Today: I got up at like 4 for some reason, so I decided to respond to Darius' text message, but I got really tired and went back to sleep. Then, I woke up at 6.45 and got readyy for the exam, ughh my hair was a mess! Left to go for the exam with Kellyanne, THE EXAM? stupid, stupid, stupid. Would you guess what the theme was? People's lives are enriched by the connections with nature. SERIOUSLY? It didn't make sense! The multiple choice was alright, the first essay; I actually think that was written pretty well, but the second one, that had to do with that theme? uggh, it was okay. Done exams, watching Love Blossoms 2 Episode 46 on MOBTV :)

CHINESE NEW YEAR DAY: I woke up at 8, to talk to Bryan. Then, I left to go for the Math Provincial @ 12.15 with JUSTIN, it was pretty easy! :) Then, stayed home & talked to a whole bunch of people on msn, while getting ready for Chinese New Year 09! =] After, Matt's family came over, then Uncle & Aunt came over. I kept going back & forth from my room talking to people & going out and entertaining guests. It was a fun night, overall.

Sunday: I HAD CHURCH & CHURCH. That was basically it.

Saturday: After studying, Mohaddasah and I ended up camwhoring. Then, stayed home, REVIEWING MATH, and chatting with people. :) Then, Uncle Melvyn & family came with their friends. Reunion dinner i guess?

anywayy, time to go napp :) ahhaha at the afternoon!

♥ ttyls.

0 twirling, 5:13 AM


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