let's play a lovegamee- - Saturday, January 31, 2009

i have...23 minutes to blog before going out again.

YESTERDAY? well I'm basically DEAD from yesterday. WOKE UP...really late :) and then I was printing off pictures from the computer, when my mom decided to tell me to go downstairs and play with the wii with Justin! To be honest? I'd never tried a Wii til then, and thought they were stupid! So @first, I was stuck playing tennis, and I was like, WTF THIS IS DUMB...then, we moved on to boxing! OHMYGOSH, it made my day, I was WAYY too into the game, but it was such good exercise, don't even know how long I played it for. MY ARMS..felt like jelly after, i could barely move my right arm, my left arm had to support it. So, after dinner, I went back down, and my mom wanted to try playing Tennis, IT WAS A HORRIBLE GAME. UGGGH. After, talked to Naz on the phone, FEEL BETTER NAZ. =) THEN, I went to shower & sleep :) ...but I had problems sleeping! :(

TODAY? I woke up @ 4...ended up on msn, talking to Adrian, Darius, Jiexi, and Bryan. I was thinking of going back to sleep, but ended up texting someone..ALOT. I couldn't go back to sleep til 7, then I woke up @ 10.30. Got ready, went for lunch :)

♥ ttyls.

0 twirling, 7:06 AM


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