glamour, glitter & gold - nothing is stopping you ♥ - Wednesday, January 7, 2009

just finished writing my Romeo & Juliet essay about Starcrossed lovers, it was a whole bunch of crap-took me like 2 hours, HAHAHA =). Oh well, it's a first draft, doesn't matter =) I HOPE.

SCHOOL TODAY [shortened day, thank God], kept working on mock provincials in English. We made MAC&CHEESE in foods class, Mandy didn't clean anything up (AS USUAL). I TOLD HER TO CLEAN HER DUMB FUCKIN SAUCE PAN, she just stayed all quiet. UUUGHH. LUNCH; I was kind of out of it, just sat with friends reading magazines fron LONDON =). MATH-easy, easy, easy stuff as usual. PLANNING-we were suppose to research drugs. TASH, DEBBIE, ARMINEH & I ended up reading magazines, shopping online @ TOPSHOP, and eating food =). After, stayed back to talk to Tash & Armineh, then Armineh left, and Tash told me about a whole bunch of stuff...I felt horrible about it. GOT HOME, called Nick to talk about stuff, sorrrry? I don't even know what to think. Ate Special K cereal, then sat down & wrote my essay, and guess what? It's done, done & done.

Apparantly, someone's mad @ me for dumping him and then avoiding him because he upset me so much. APPARANTLY, he made it seem like he was so sad & made me look like a horrible person. I don't believe he would do that, but then again, he was upset? HE COULD'VE. I asked him, he said he was fine, and that he never said something (I won't mention it, cause it's so dumb) about me. I want to believe it, but I'm confused.

I'm sorry if I hurt you,
but it was like one week,
get over it, please?

0 twirling, 10:03 AM


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