cross my heeart ♥ - Tuesday, January 13, 2009

TODAY? got up at like 6.30 to get ready for school & I wasn't even ready til 7.45! ATE SPAGHETTI FOR BREAKFAST (totally off my diet!-it slows down my metabolism, so i'll just exercise a lot =]) Went to school, didn't have to perform because Emily wasn't there, but we're performing tommorow, UUGGGHS. FOODS CLASS-watched people make cheese pizzas & some sweet potato stuff. LUNCH-didn't eat, though everyone around me did, studied for the math test instead. MATH-did the test, therefore I didn't have to talk to SOMEONE =]. PLANNING-watched supersize-me, EWWWWW, fat=mcdiccks. After school, walked to the mall with my cousin Allison, to meet up with my mommy, turns out i can't get my bangs done until tmrw. We shopped...for like 3 hours, I was gonna get black boots, but I thought it'd be hard to match. Finally, found a pretty jacket =] then had some purdy's ice cream. So, ANOTHER THING OFF MY WISHLIST! ♥-got into a fight with my dad cause he won't buy me a ticket back to Singapore until like 2 more years, which makes me mad. UNLESS, I save up I guess, UGGHS. Just finished watching THE CiTY.

♥ ttyls.

0 twirling, 11:43 AM


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