i'm losing grip, what's happening ♥ - Sunday, January 4, 2009

"Fashion fades, only style remains the same."
- coco chanel

SNOWED IN- that's all that's happening right now, OHMYGOSH. snow? TOTAL DAY RUINER. waiit-is ruiner a word? HMM, ohh well. BORED AS HELL. So, i guess i shall blog.

FRIDAY? WOKE UP AT 10, or maybe 11. I wasn't suppose to go out til 4, but my mom decided that she wanted to go see my Grandaunt who is visiting from Singapore. I RUSHED TO GET READY, only to find out that she was @ the mall with my cousin, and that now, we had no plans. Then, my mom was like "WE NEED THINGS FROM IKEA, LET'S GO" & that was at like 1.30? we got to IKEA @ 2, and looked for an extra closet for me (WHICH I DESPERATELY NEED! way too many clothes even AFTER cleaning out my dearest closet!) We were stuck there for like 45 minutes, and spent the last 15 minutes WAITING IN LINE for Cinammon buns & Hot dogs! The Cinnamon buns? were AMAZING, didn't eat the hot dogs, I felt horrible after though...so much for my healthy eating!

Then, my parents dropped me off and THEN they went to pick my Grandaunt & Cousin @ the mall. When I was done, it was like 8? then I called my parents to come pick me up, and my mom was like..."can you wait? we're eating.." I was like.."WHAT? NO I WANT TO EAT!" and she was like.."oh oh oh, okay okay, your dad's going to pick you up, but you can't rent movies anymore" and i was UPSET =[ but yeeeahs. Then, my dad came to pick me up & drove me to the restaurant, on the way there...I don't even know waht we were talking about but he was like, "You're Spoiled!" I was like.."ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I'M SO NOT SPOILED!" and he was like, "It takes someone who is spoiled to say that they aren't spoiled". I WAS SPEEEECHLESS, like ohmygoshh. ANYWAYS, I got there and Cherisse, Cheryln, Beverley, Samantha, my Sister & I were all talking about DiSNEY MOViES, RANDOM? I know, but it was pretty funny, i totally forgot everything about them! We left at about 9.30, and I came home and played with the lovely new camera. Then @ 12.30, my mom told me she got episode 31 of LOVE BLOSSOMS 2, so we watched it, i was happy. =]

SATURDAY? I promised my mom that I would help her cook food for the guests & do her grocery shopping with her. I couldn't sleep, so I woke up at like 6.45, and guess what ruined my day? I looked out the window, it was...SNOWING. GOSH, I seriously HATE it in Canada. I could probably write like a billion essays about how badly I want to move back. My mom came home and we agreed to shovel snow, but, my mom got mad at me cause of my room, and we got into a fight. BUT she apologized, so I shovelled the snow..THINKING that she was going to help, but she just stayed and cooked. It was so stupid cause i shovelled the driveway, and when i looked down, the snow was back, i was like WHAT THE FUCK? it was RETARDED, I was SO MAD. Then, Justin & Samantha came and helped me, and Justin & I ended up getting into a Snowball fight, and he threw a HUGEASS ONE, and it hit my boob, trust me, IT HURT LIKE HELL.
Then, I got REALLY COLD, and decided to go into the house, and MY SISTER WAS FINALLY AWAKE, stupid lazyass pig sister. =] Then, I spent 4 hours like making a collage cause that's just how effin bored I was, @ 6 - I was donnne! I was so proud of myself =] I found out my Aunt Sarah & Uncle Lim were coming for dinner (They are here now).

Seriously, This snow is depressing, I want to go back to Singapore SO BADLY, it's unexplainable, I don't think my parents realize it. I'm so sick of Canada, I was excited when I first came, but after my trip to Singapore in the summer, I've realized: I LOVE SINGAPORE, ALWAYS HAVE, ALWAYS WILL. I wanted to move back, and my mom said it was up to me, and I went for tutoring, but guess what? I DIDN'T GET TO STAY, thanks alot. =[

goood soong, loove it?
will upload more pics later, time to watch TITANIC on TV

0 twirling, 10:04 AM


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